Bastien New Traditions: All In One Piano Course – Primer A


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SKU: WP450 Categories: ,


Bastien New Traditions is a complete, comprehensive method for beginning piano study. This series is easy to use and paced appropriately for young students. Concepts are introduced gradually and presented logically with lesson, theory, technique, and performance solos all in the same volume. The carefully graded learning progression ensures success, and the beautiful colorful illustrations coordinate perfectly with the music!

Primer A highlights:

  • Introduction to the piano keyboard
  • Pre-staff notation
  • Simple and short black key and white key pieces
  • Middle C and C 5-finger hand positions
  • Introduction to quarter notes & rests and half notes & rests
  • 4/4 and 3/4 time signatures
  • Introduction to dynamics using pmpmf, and f
  • Skips, steps, and repeats

Additional information


Neil A. Kjos Mu

